Deer Hollow Ranch

Climate in New Harmony, Utah


New Harmony, Utah gets 15 inches of rain and 41 inches of snow, on average, per year. There are about 254 sunny days per year in New Harmony. 


Summer High: July high around 90 degrees
Winter Low: January low is 19





Winters in New Harmony are beautiful.


Spring showers in New Harmony help crops and vegetation get a jump start on the warmer summer months.


Summer temperatures are mild to warm in the day and perfect in the evenings.


The large trees in New Harmony and Deer Hollow Ranch usher in some of nature’s most beautiful colors and hues.


Deer Hollow Ranch Climate

Although the town of New Harmony is in between Cedar City & St George, it’s climate matches Cedar City’s due to similarities in elevation.


Cedar City

Altitude: 5,843 feet

New Harmony

Altitude: 5,305 feet